Simplified Immigration is a private contractor who primarily engages in document processing of various Canadian Immigration applications with the direct supervision of our very own Immigration Consultant Mr. Rajdeep Singh.
Our company deals with the tedious job of preparing your immigration applications while our licensed consultant deals with the legal representation. This arrangement allows our professionals to spend his time on the more complex issues and allows us to deal with the personal details of the application.
We find that we can serve our clients better than other companies because of the amount of time we spend with our clients and the relationship we develop during the application process. We not only have the legal expertise, but we also become experts in the details of our clients.
We have proven to our clients that we simplified their immigration documentation experience as simple as SIGN.SUBMIT.DONE! For this reason, we thought that carrying a new business name such as "SIMPLIFIED IMMIGRATION" is more appropriate, it speaks clearly of what we do for our valued customer like you.